19 | | == Main group== |
20 | | - First level |
21 | | - Second level |
22 | | == public administration office == |
23 | | - general administration office |
24 | | - specialized administration office |
25 | | == public order and safety == |
26 | | - administration for public order and safety |
27 | | - police service |
28 | | - fire-protection service |
29 | | - fire station |
30 | | - siren |
31 | | - hydrant |
32 | | - anti-fire water provision |
33 | | - fire detection and observation site |
34 | | - rescue service |
35 | | - rescue station |
36 | | - rescue helicopter landing site |
37 | | - marine rescue station |
38 | | - civil protection site |
39 | | - emergency call point |
40 | | - standalone First Aid equipment |
41 | | - defence |
42 | | - barrack |
43 | | - camp |
44 | | == environmental protection == |
45 | | - administration for environmental protection |
46 | | - environmental education centre |
47 | | == health == |
48 | | - administration for health |
49 | | - medical products, appliances and equipment |
50 | | - outpatient service |
51 | | - general medical service |
52 | | - specialized medical services |
53 | | - paramedical service |
54 | | - hospital service |
55 | | - general hospital |
56 | | - specialized hospital |
57 | | - nursing and convalescent home service |
58 | | - medical and diagnostic laboratory |
59 | | == education == |
60 | | - administration for education |
61 | | - early childhood education |
62 | | - primary education |
63 | | - lower secondary education |
64 | | - upper secondary education |
65 | | - post-secondary non-tertiary education |
66 | | - short-cycle tertiary education |
67 | | - bachelor or equivalent education |
68 | | - master or equivalent education |
69 | | - doctoral or equivalent education |
70 | | - education not elsewhere classified |
71 | | - subsidiary services to education |
72 | | == social service == |
73 | | - administration for social protection |
74 | | - specialized service of social protection |
75 | | - housing |
76 | | - child care service |
77 | | - charity and counselling |
| 21 | |
| 22 | ||= '''!FirstLevel''' =||= '''!ServiceTypeValue''' =||= '''Level''' =||= '''Parent''' =||= '''Übersetzung''' =|| |
| 23 | ||public administration office ||publicAdministrationOffice ||0 ||root ||Verwaltungsbehörde || |
| 24 | ||public administration office ||generalAdministrationOffice ||1 ||publicAdministrationOffice ||allgemeine Verwaltungsbehörde || |
| 25 | ||public administration office ||specializedAdministrationOffice ||1 ||publicAdministrationOffice ||Fachverwaltungsbehörde || |
| 26 | ||public order and safety ||publicOrderAndSafety ||0 ||root ||öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit || |
| 27 | ||public order and safety ||administrationForPublicOrderAndSafety ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Verwaltung für öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit || |
| 28 | ||public order and safety ||policeService ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Polizeidienst || |
| 29 | ||public order and safety ||fireProtectionService ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Brandschutzdienst || |
| 30 | ||public order and safety ||fireStation ||2 ||fireProtectionService ||Feuerwehrhaus || |
| 31 | ||public order and safety ||siren ||2 ||fireProtectionService ||Sirene || |
| 32 | ||public order and safety ||hydrant ||2 ||fireProtectionService ||Hydrant || |
| 33 | ||public order and safety ||antiFireWaterProvision ||2 ||fireProtectionService ||Brandschutz-Wasserversorgung || |
| 34 | ||public order and safety ||fireDetectionAndObservationSite ||2 ||fireProtectionService ||Brandmelde- und beobachtungsstelle || |
| 35 | ||public order and safety ||rescueService ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Rettungsdienst || |
| 36 | ||public order and safety ||rescueStation ||2 ||rescueService ||Rettungswache || |
| 37 | ||public order and safety ||rescueHelicopterLandingSite ||2 ||rescueService ||Landeplatz für Rettungshubschrauber || |
| 38 | ||public order and safety ||marineRescueStation ||2 ||rescueService ||Seerettungsstation || |
| 39 | ||public order and safety ||civilProtectionSite ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Zivilschutzeinrichtung || |
| 40 | ||public order and safety ||emergencyCallPoint ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Notrufeinrichtung || |
| 41 | ||public order and safety ||standaloneFirstAidEquipment ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Autonome Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung || |
| 42 | ||public order and safety ||defence ||1 ||publicOrderAndSafety ||Verteidigung || |
| 43 | ||public order and safety ||barrack ||2 ||defence ||Kaserne || |
| 44 | ||public order and safety ||camp ||2 ||defence ||Lager || |
| 45 | ||environmental protection ||environmentalProtection ||0 ||root ||Umweltschutz || |
| 46 | ||environmental protection ||administrationForEnvironmentalProtection ||1 ||environmentalProtection ||Verwaltung für Umweltschutz || |
| 47 | ||environmental protection ||environmentalEducationCentre ||1 ||environmentalProtection ||Umweltbildungszentrum || |
| 48 | ||health ||health ||0 ||root ||Gesundheit || |
| 49 | ||health ||administrationForHealth ||1 ||health ||Gesundheitsverwaltung || |
| 50 | ||health ||medicalProductsAppliancesAndEquipment ||1 ||health ||medizinische Erzeugnisse, Geräte und Ausrüstungen || |
| 51 | ||health ||outpatientService ||1 ||health ||ambulanter Dienst || |
| 52 | ||health ||generalMedicalService ||2 ||outpatientService ||allgemeine medizinische Versorgung || |
| 53 | ||health ||specializedMedicalServices ||2 ||outpatientService ||fachmedizinische Leistungen || |
| 54 | ||health ||paramedicalService ||2 ||outpatientService ||Leistungen von nichtärztlichem Personal || |
| 55 | ||health ||hospitalService ||1 ||health ||Leistungen von Krankenhäusern || |
| 56 | ||health ||generalHospital ||2 ||hospitalService ||allgemeines Krankenhaus || |
| 57 | ||health ||specializedHospital ||2 ||hospitalService ||Fachklinik || |
| 58 | ||health ||nursingAndConvalescentHomeService ||2 ||hospitalService ||Leistungen von Pflege- und Erholungsheimen || |
| 59 | ||health ||medicalAndDiagnosticLaboratory ||1 ||health ||medizinische und diagnostische Labors || |
| 60 | ||education ||education ||0 ||root ||Bildung || |
| 61 | ||education ||administrationForEducation ||1 ||education ||Bildungsverwaltung || |
| 62 | ||education ||earlyChildhoodEducation ||1 ||education ||vorschulische Erziehung || |
| 63 | ||education ||primaryEducation ||1 ||education ||Grundbildung || |
| 64 | ||education ||lowerSecondaryEducation ||1 ||education ||Sekundarstufe I || |
| 65 | ||education ||upperSecondaryEducation ||1 ||education ||Sekundarstufe II || |
| 66 | ||education ||postSecondaryNonTertiaryEducation ||1 ||education ||nichttertiäre Bildung nach dem Sekundarbereich || |
| 67 | ||education ||shortCycleTertiaryEducation ||1 ||education ||kurzzeitige tertiäre Bildung || |
| 68 | ||education ||bachelorOrEquivalentEducation ||1 ||education ||Bachelor- oder gleichwertiger Bildungsgang || |
| 69 | ||education ||masterOrEquivalentEducation ||1 ||education ||Master- oder gleichwertiger Bildungsgang || |
| 70 | ||education ||doctoralOrEquivalentEducation ||1 ||education ||Promotion oder gleichwertiger Bildungsgang || |
| 71 | ||education ||educationNotElsewhereClassified ||1 ||education ||anderweitig nicht genannte Bildungsgänge || |
| 72 | ||education ||subsidiaryServicesToEducation ||1 ||education ||Hilfsdienstleistungen für das Bildungswesen || |
| 73 | ||social service ||socialService ||0 ||root ||Sozialdienst || |
| 74 | ||social service ||administrationForSocialProtection ||1 ||socialService ||Verwaltung für Sozialschutz || |
| 75 | ||social service ||specializedServiceOfSocialProtection ||1 ||socialService ||Fachdienste für Sozialschutz || |
| 76 | ||social service ||housing ||1 ||socialService ||Unterbringung || |
| 77 | ||social service ||childCareService ||2 ||socialService ||Kinderbetreuung || |
| 78 | ||social service ||charityAndCounselling ||1 ||socialService ||Wohlfahrt und Beratung || |
| 79 | |
| 80 | |
| 81 | ---- |
122 | | ||62101810 ||FachbehoerdeGesundheit ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForHealth |||| |
123 | | ||62101821 ||FachbehoerdeArbeitJobs ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForSocialProtection |||| |
124 | | ||62101825 ||FachbehoerdeWirtschaft ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
125 | | ||62101830 ||FachbehoerdeForst ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
126 | | ||62101840 ||FachbehoerdeLandwirtschaft ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
127 | | ||62101850 ||FachbehoerdeJugendFamilieSoziales ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForSocialProtection |||| |
128 | | ||62101860 ||FachbehoerdeSport ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
129 | | ||62101870 ||FachbehoerdeBildung ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForEducation |||| |
130 | | ||62101880 ||FachbehoerdeKultur ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
131 | | ||62101890 ||FachbehoerdeUmwelt ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForEnvironmentalProtection |||| |
132 | | ||62101900 ||FachbehoerdePlanenBauen ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
133 | | ||62101990 ||FachbehoerdeSonstiges ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 129 | ||62101810 ||!FachbehoerdeGesundheit ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForHealth |||| |
| 130 | ||62101821 ||!FachbehoerdeArbeitJobs ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForSocialProtection |||| |
| 131 | ||62101825 ||!FachbehoerdeWirtschaft ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 132 | ||62101830 ||!FachbehoerdeForst ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 133 | ||62101840 ||!FachbehoerdeLandwirtschaft ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 134 | ||62101850 ||!FachbehoerdeJugendFamilieSoziales ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForSocialProtection |||| |
| 135 | ||62101860 ||!FachbehoerdeSport ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 136 | ||62101870 ||!FachbehoerdeBildung ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForEducation |||| |
| 137 | ||62101880 ||!FachbehoerdeKultur ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 138 | ||62101890 ||!FachbehoerdeUmwelt ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||administrationForEnvironmentalProtection |||| |
| 139 | ||62101900 ||!FachbehoerdePlanenBauen ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |
| 140 | ||62101990 ||!FachbehoerdeSonstiges ||US ||!ServiceTypeValue ||specializedAdministrationOffice |||| |